After four years following his critically acclaimed, award-winning and bestselling book "BEREOLAESQUE: The Contemporary Gentleman & Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate," ghostwriter to the stars author, Enitan Bereola II is set for the e-Book release of his second best-seller, "GENTLEWOMAN: Etiquette for a Lady, from a Gentleman."Read Free Unreleased Content First
"From selecting wines to selecting a mate, I want to re-brand etiquette," says Bereola. "It's time to re-establish a beautiful art."
"This book reminds society of one thing: women are the greatest creation and should be treated that way."
Hill Harper
Award-winning Actor
New York Times Best-selling Author
"Lovvvvvvving Gentlewoman!!!! Wowwwwwww!!! Wow!!!!! 'Tis the truth and I'm LOVING it!!! This book is sure to inspire!"
Michelle Williams
Destiny's Child
Grammy Award-winning Singer/Songwriter
Actress; Philantrhopist
1/3 of the Best-Selling Recording Group of all Time
"This is exciting. A lot of people have embraced stuff that really isn't what femininity should be about. Women should be who they are. Women need to be free to determine who they want to be. This book supports that."